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Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Psalm 46:10


We live in a world and in times that demand endless productivity and activity. With all the new technology that increases the available communication between people, along with it came increased expectations that everyone should be immediately available to contact, and they should be continually productive and active in service. The end result is people feeling burned out and used, and despite the available means to communicate, many feel even more lonely as there is now less face-to-face interaction and meaningful relationship building. The Covid pandemic has only served to escalate this issue that has been building for many years now. This phenomenon has also infiltrated church life as many have also adopted the model of endless programs and meetings to keep everyone busy, as if busyness equals spiritual growth and progress. These are huge mistakes.

Our Lord knows how we need to have times of rest and real interaction with Him and other people. While we may all acknowledge our need to slow down and focus better, putting it into practice is a whole other matter. We need to settle in our heart and mind that the Lord is in control of everything and His ways are best. He tells us in Psalm 46 that despite all that may be raging around us in this world, our job is to learn to be able to be still and seek His will for our life and let Him show His power. We do this by spending quality time each day in prayer and bible study, but also by just stopping during our day to worship Him and let Him reveal what He is doing in our circumstances. An expression I grew up with is that people can be like “chickens with their heads cut off.” This refers to a lot of meaningless and undirected activity that is not thought out well as if the head/brain are no longer connected to the body. For us, when we do things without God’s direction and leading, we really are living like chickens with our head removed; we do a lot of activity, but God’s eternal purposes are not being fulfilled.

The main point of the above verse is that God will be exalted and gloried despite what we try and do, and our best approach is to learn to slow down and let Him work in and through us and join Him in His work in this world. We need to respond in faith and do what God has for us and not be lazy or apathetic.  We need to learn to rest in God being sovereign over the universe while learning to live by faith as His Spirit and Word leads us. We can only be led by God if we belong to Jesus Christ for salvation, so be sure you have placed all your hope in what Christ did on the cross of Calvary for your forgiveness of sins. If you have done that, learn to be quiet and still in this chaotic world and let the Lord reveal things to you as to what He wants done. Join our great God in His great eternal work of redemption and healing in the lives of people, and trust in His leadership to guide you. This is the blessed life!

Love in Christ,

Pastor Gary Houdek