The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, so that we may follow all the words of this Law.
Deuteronomy 29:29
There are far more things in life that are a complete mystery to me than things I even remotely have knowledge about. While seeking more knowledge and wisdom is something we all should be doing, we must accept the fact that there will be many things we just cannot know or comprehend, and this is why our faith is such a precious possession. In our life and relationship with God, there are vast areas that only He knows about, and this is by design. We do not know the hearts of people, but God does. We do not know all that the future holds, but God does. We do not even know of all the ways we have offended God and people, but God does. Our relationship with the Living God is to be one where we trust in His character and goodness even when we do not know what will come of it exactly. This is faith, and the Bible states that “the righteous must live by faith!” (see Galatians 3:11) We live by trusting in God and His Word to us and obeying that which He has revealed to us as truth and the right way. I have discovered that in my own life, I have enough to do to try and live out what I already know is right rather than obsess on things I do not know or cannot know. God alone knows all the hearts and minds of every person. I have also learned that I don’t even know all that is in my own heart, much less what is in someone else’s heart. God alone knows what tomorrow will bring for each one of us, and there are things happening in the spiritual realm, as well as the natural realm, that only He is aware of. How foolish it is to doubt Him and rely on our own wits as we journey through life. He alone should be our guide as we follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Trust in Jesus Christ for the salvation of your soul, surrender to Him daily in prayer, and let Him teach and lead you by what He reveals to you in the Bible and by His Spirit. Blessings!
Love in Christ,
Pastor Gary Houdek