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But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Matthew 6:33


The above verse is what I would call my “life verse” that is on the sign outside my church office door. A “life verse” is a section of scripture that you use to best guide you in your life with Christ and help you in your day-to-day choices. All of us have many choices and options in each day that determine how faithful we are in our walk with the Lord. What we choose to engage in, or not engage in, as well as how we respond to each situation we face is what we call the “witness” of our life. Certainly we must be about telling people the gospel message which is the good news of Christ dying for the sins of humanity to provide eternal life and the forgiveness of sins. While we must share the gospel verbally and in written form, there must be the substance of how we live our life to give authenticity to the message. Perhaps you have heard “actions speak louder than words” or “I can’t hear what you are saying as it is drowned out by your actions.” Our actions are based on what we have filled our heart with and are most devoted to as Jesus taught in Matthew 12:34-40. If we have surrendered our heart to Jesus Christ in faith, and let His Spirit rule in us, we will seek His will for our life and be doers of righteousness. The promise of the above verse is that if we put God first in our life, He will then take care of us in leading us and providing for us all the things we need. The promise is not that He will give us all we want, but what we truly need and what is best for us in the context of the scriptures. It is a “if, then” type of message. We must do our part and then God will be faithful to do His. This is practically worked out in our day-to-day life. All day long we need to keep our focus on this truth if we want to see the Lord work powerfully in our circumstances; to neglect God and His will for us each day is to invite certain confusion and disappointment into our lives. As we are pressed by choices and challenges each day, be sure to put God’s will first and seek Him in them. Make it your top priority to be sure you are living “righteously” in accordance to what honors Jesus and then rest in His love and provision for you; this is the “peace of God that passes understanding” that we are offered (Philippians 4:7). Choose wisely and you will experience the work of God in your life. Blessings!

Love in Christ,

Pastor Gary Houdek